Thursday, October 11, 2007

Is it really October?

I have trouble believing that time is going by so very fast. So much has been happening. Last month, for example, my son Abel and I rode in the MS 150 at Myrtle Beach. We road 150 miles to benefit MS. Now the weather is (finally) cooling off and it is clear and sunny and so I hope to be getting out there on two wheels and riding more now without fear of heatstroke. So if you see a rather round rider on a black bicycle and a bright green jersy in West Columbia - swerve to miss me!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

There are times . . .

Some days seem to just be days and then others seem to have an impact on many days. When people look back on important days in their lives they are at times drawn to the days or times of impact. The funny thing about this is that I have rarely heard anyone talk about the times they went to a theme park or a the best car they ever had rather, what people remember are other people in their lives. Strange isn't it? The things we seem to strive for and live for are not what many think are worth it when we realize we are about to lose it all. Of the tens of people I have seen or attended as they died, most of them were not very pleased with themselves or their situations. The most interesting thing is that those who die with joy seem to be looking forward to something good. They are not only looking back with a sense of loss and forward with a sense of fear but they also have a great sense of hope for the future.

Friday, July 27, 2007

What was I thinking?

Well, here we go again. After being off of the web for a few years I have now decided that I will try again to asage the masses. I previously wrote about life in Argentina and missions in general. Now what am I going to write about? What? Nothing to say? Ah, this is the thing. I have been learning to listen over the last few years. I have been listening to people as they die. I am a hospice chaplain and I have learned a little bit about people and a great deal about me. It has been a journey. It has been a heartbreak. It has been a joy.

So, why would you come here? Aside from the fact that I sent you an email and asked you to come by, you might be interested in what I might say? Perhaps. I'll just go with that then. From time to time I will write something and then from time to time you can read it. I might even post some photos. This could be fun.